Brotherly Love, Relief & Truth
Renewing Commitment: Lodge Le Progres de l’Oceanie’s Second Annual Lodge Cleanup in Hawaii
Lodge Le Progres de L’Oceanie recently held its Second Biennial Masonic Lodge Cleanup on Saturday, May 29th, 2021. The brethren of Lodge Le Progres de L’Oceanie came together to perform a much-needed deep cleaning of the Honolulu Masonic Temple property, which included pressure washing outdoor areas, restrooms, and kitchen space, vacuuming carpeted areas and fabric...Read MoreHonoring History: Membership Spotlight on John O. Dominis, Prince Consort of Queen Liliuokalani, and Past Master of Lodge Le Progres de l’Oceanie, Hawaii
John Owen Dominis (March 10, 1832 – August 27, 1891) was an American-born statesman. He became Prince Consort of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi upon his marriage to the last reigning monarch, Queen Liliʻuokalani. Dominis, along with his brother-in-law King Kalakaua, were both Worshipful Masters of Lodge Le Progres de l’Oceanie. Life His father was an Italian sea captain named John Dominis...Read MoreUnveiling Elegance: Lodge Le Progres de l’Oceanie, Hawaii, Launches Its Stunning New Website by Masonic Web Master
We’re excited to announce that our new website is live. Whether on desktop or mobile, the updated site will provide an elevated experience for both our members and those interested in Lodge Le Progres de l’Oceanie. It’s been totally revamped with improvements to our content; which now includes vivid imagery and symbolism, and up-to-date news section, as well as a detailed calendar...Read MoreTHE TRESTLEBOARD
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